We have courses to meet many different goals . . .

If you are looking for a competent, competitive and comprehensive training opportunity, you have come to the best place in the Fox River Valley of Illinois.

If you have a specific training need, we are here to help you with exactly what you are seeking . . .

Most firearms training entities do not have the expertise or flexibility to meet specific needs, so you have to find what you are seeking within multiple courses offered by multiple instructors. No need to swap instructors with FRFT.  . . . we can help you with specific training needs because we have comprehensive training experience and the curriculum to help you . . . each step of the way!

Our Training Opportunities
Illinois CCW Classes
Mobirise Website Builder
Mobirise Website Builder
Mobirise Website Builder
INSTRUCTOR Training Opps

Our Course Offerings . . .

Every course we teach is specifically designed for a particular purpose. As you review the multitude of course offerings available to you from Fox River Firearms Training, please feel free to reach out with any questions.

Some of our courses are exclusively available in the Fox River Valley through Fox River Firearms Training. Train as a group, or with a friend or family member or on your own. The experience will be well worth your time and resources.

We are 100% dedicated to your success!

JEFF NIX, Certified Instructor and Training Counselor

CALL: (630) 552-8815  / TEXT: (630)-229-8255
EMAIL:  jeff@foxriverfirearmstraining.com
Location: 10 N. Hugh Street, Plano, IL 60545

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