Advanced Classes

#1  What Women Want - Get Custom Fit for Gun/Gear  $99 per person

This class is recommended to take 1st | Before buying a gun or gear to avoid costly mistakes and increase the odds you will be able to perform more naturally and avoid losing the gun in an altercation.  This class is for both men and women. Plus you can bring your gift-giver for FREE, too!

There is so much more to selecting the best guns and gear than how they feel, or renting different models and test firing them, or worse yet, realizing that even if they feel good and you can shoot them well, that you could not hold on to them in a fight for your life! There is also the issue of carrying the gun with you in your daily life . . . and the ability to actually access it efficiently should you ever have to use it (God forbid)!

It is so frustrating for ladies who purchased a firearm for personal protection that: "felt great at the store" or "is what a friend said would work for me" or "the man in my life picked out" only to discover when they began learning to use the gun they purchased that it is NOT what they wanted after all.

Select a Get-Fit Class Date and Register Now:

Click the Date to Register:

January 13, 2024    11:00am - 2:00pm

If the dates scheduled for this class do not work for you, please email us a date and time you would like to take this class. Be sure you provide your contact information and the CLASS NAME and the DATE and TIME.

Click the Date to Register:

February 3, 2024    11:00am - 2:00pm

February 17, 2024    11:00am - 2:00pm

If the dates scheduled for this class do not work for you, please email us a date and time you would like to take this class. Be sure you provide your contact information and the CLASS NAME and the DATE and TIME.

March 9, 2024    11:00am - 2:00pm

March 23, 2024    11:00am - 2:00pm

If the dates scheduled for this class do not work for you, please email us a date and time you would like to take this class. Be sure you provide your contact information and the CLASS NAME and the DATE and TIME.

#2a  Practice Power and Precision [Part 1]    $99 per person

This class is recommended to take 2nd | After you have acquired the gun you will carry for personal protection.  It is taken in 2 parts.

. . . Learn How To Practice with the Precision Necessary to Be Powerful When It Counts
This is one of our most popular courses!  It is a comprehensive "hands-on" course designed to bring your level of shooting to a higher level and set you on the practice path toward increasing the odds you will prevail in an attack with powerful precision. Every student will have one-on-one instruction to address individual areas that need enhancement as well as learning as a group.

Students enjoy putting what they learned into practice, too! Each student will need a minimum of 100 rounds of ammunition. Although having your own handgun is not a prerequisite to participation in the course, it is encouraged to receive the most relevant instruction from the course for the benefit of carrying a handgun for personal protection. 

Select a PPP1 Class Date and Register Now:

Click the Date to Register:

January 13, 2024    11:00am - 2:00pm

If the dates scheduled for this class do not work for you, please email us a date and time you would like to take this class. Be sure you provide your contact information and the CLASS NAME and the DATE and TIME.

Click the Date to Register:

February 3, 2024    11:00am - 2:00pm

February 17, 2024    11:00am - 2:00pm

If the dates scheduled for this class do not work for you, please email us a date and time you would like to take this class. Be sure you provide your contact information and the CLASS NAME and the DATE and TIME.

March 9, 2024    11:00am - 2:00pm

March 23, 2024    11:00am - 2:00pm

If the dates scheduled for this class do not work for you, please email us a date and time you would like to take this class. Be sure you provide your contact information and the CLASS NAME and the DATE and TIME.

#2b  Practice Power and Precision [Part 2] $99 per person

This class is recommended to take after you have completed Part 1. This class puts what you learned in Part 1 to the test with fast-paced shooting and drawing from a holster.

Most importantly, there is more to protecting yourself than a good day at the shooting range. Once you learn the techniques to shoot consistently in Part 1, you will progress to using those techniques to shoot on the move or from multiple positions because you never know what position you will find yourself in a self defense situation.

Each student will experience first-hand why punching a "hole" in a target will give you a false sense of security when it comes to self defense with a handgun . . . and more!

Select a PPP2 Class Date and Register Now:

Click the Date to Register:

January 13, 2024    11:00am - 2:00pm

If the dates scheduled for this class do not work for you, please email us a date and time you would like to take this class. Be sure you provide your contact information and the CLASS NAME and the DATE and TIME.

Click the Date to Register:

February 3, 2024    11:00am - 2:00pm

February 17, 2024    11:00am - 2:00pm

If the dates scheduled for this class do not work for you, please email us a date and time you would like to take this class. Be sure you provide your contact information and the CLASS NAME and the DATE and TIME.

March 9, 2024    11:00am - 2:00pm

March 23, 2024    11:00am - 2:00pm

If the dates scheduled for this class do not work for you, please email us a date and time you would like to take this class. Be sure you provide your contact information and the CLASS NAME and the DATE and TIME.

#3  Handgun Cleaning and Maintenance  $99 per person

This class is recommended to take anytime | Because the reliability of your handgun depends on the mechanical condition of the gun, this is a must take course for everyone.

Bring your own handgun(s) and we will teach you how to clean and maintain them. Hands-on training as well as demonstration of the intricacies of cleaning both revolvers and semi-automatic handguns help you master the task. Different types of cleaning materials and methods are covered. (Some supervised disassembly and reassembly may be required. Cleaning supplies are provided. You must bring a manual for any handgun you bring to class.) How to determine if your firearm is safe to operate, what types of ammunition may be used in your handgun, and the specific maintenance issues you will encounter are covered with regard to your specific model(s), as well as revolvers and semi-automatics in general. Don't forget to bring your firearm’s manual with you!

Select HCM Class Date and Register Now:

Click the Date to Register:

January 13, 2024    11:00am - 2:00pm

If the dates scheduled for this class do not work for you, please email us a date and time you would like to take this class. Be sure you provide your contact information and the CLASS NAME and the DATE and TIME.

Click the Date to Register:

February 3, 2024    11:00am - 2:00pm

February 17, 2024    11:00am - 2:00pm

If the dates scheduled for this class do not work for you, please email us a date and time you would like to take this class. Be sure you provide your contact information and the CLASS NAME and the DATE and TIME.

March 9, 2024    11:00am - 2:00pm

March 23, 2024    11:00am - 2:00pm

If the dates scheduled for this class do not work for you, please email us a date and time you would like to take this class. Be sure you provide your contact information and the CLASS NAME and the DATE and TIME.

How FRFT is different . . .

It is very simple actually. FRFT is totally civilian oriented and has the know-how and tools you need to succeed as a civilian when you find yourself in a compromising situation.

What to expect . . .

Safety is preached often but rarely practiced consistently. FRFT practices what others may only preach, every moment of every course. Our students are trained to safely and effectively use the tools and knowledge learned in our courses.

We are 100% dedicated to your success!

JEFF NIX, Certified Instructor and Training Counselor

CALL: (630) 552-8815  / TEXT: (630)-229-8255
Location: 10 N. Hugh Street, Plano, IL 60545

Fox River Firearms Training © Copyright 2023-2024  - All Rights Reserved